Timesheet Reference Guide


To complete a timesheet for payment, use your YCDSB credentials to log in to Windows.

The timesheet can only be entered by the employee who worked the hours and cannot be submitted by someone else on their behalf.

The timesheet app is used for hours worked which are not submitted through SFE (Smart Find

Express) and is not part of the Emergency Substitute Application and process.


Access the link: https://apps.ycdsb.ca/TimeSheets/home


Select - “Submit a new timesheet” and choose the required form number from the drop-down list.





Form Types:


Admin #33/111 Support Services & Occasional Teacher regular hours

Admin #36    Support Services Overtime & Additional hours (includes discretionary time, lump sum payments, overtime, rate differential hours, top-up hours, OECTA/OSSTF student assessment and mental health).

FSU-04         Overtime for Caretaking (CUPE 1571)

Admin #13    Emergency on call (Facilities Dept.) Admin #117                    Overtime for Exempt Level 1-6

TCH39/55b   Home Instruction & TSSP

Tutor program   Continuing Education tutors – refer to the Tutor Reference Guide


Depending on your job type you will only be able to see the forms associated with your position.



For employees with multiple employee numbers select the employee number from the drop-down list which corresponds with the job you are entering hours for. (Located in the upper right corner of the Entry Form).

Select “Week Of” and choose the start of the week you are submitting hours for.

Select “Locationand choose the location worked from the drop-down list.







Admin #33/111 Support Services & Occasional Teacher: Requires the “Job Type”. Select the position from the drop-down list.


Hours for a given day are the total number of hours worked that day, minus time for lunch to a maximum of

7 hours per day for support staff and 5 hours per day for occasional teaching.

A timesheet should contain all of the hours/amounts for a given week, and should only be submitted once

the week is complete.






Admin #36 Overtime & Addition Time: Requires the selection of a “Form Type”. Select the form type from the drop down list.

Enter the hours worked for each day and provide a brief description of the position worked or any additional information.



If the timesheets require a lump sum amount enter the amount on the day worked and a brief description.






















When finished click “Submit Form”.




The timesheet will then be forwarded to the assigned manager/principal for approval before processing by the payroll department.




1/The timesheet status (pending, approved, payment date) can be viewed by selecting the upper right-hand corner search icon on the menu bar.





2/ For Emergency Substitutes please refer to the Emergency Substitutes User Guide.

3/ For the Continuing Education Tutor Program please refer to the Tutoring Reference Guide.